The Knowledge And Ideas of the Physicians Who Participate in Emergency Services About Physician Responsibility in Emergency Cases and Forensic Medicine Problems
P: 175-179
June 2003

The Knowledge And Ideas of the Physicians Who Participate in Emergency Services About Physician Responsibility in Emergency Cases and Forensic Medicine Problems

Gulhane Med J 2003;45(2):175-179
1. GATA Askeri Tıp. Fak. Adli Tıp A.D.
2. İ.Ü. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fak. Adli Tıp. A.D.
3. GATA Askeri Tıp Fak. Halk Sağlığı AD.
4. GATA Askeri Tıp Fak Acil Tıp AD.
5. GATA Askeri Tıp Fak. Patoloji AD.
No information available.
No information available
Accepted Date: 10.06.2003


In this study, our aim is to evaluate the problems and consider the suggestions in relation to military doctor's vocational and judicial responsibilities concerning emergency cases. The military doctors in questionnaire are residents in different medical branches and take turn in Gülhane Military Medical Academy Emergency department during 2000-2001 academic year.

The group studied includes 76 active residents working in the emergency department during 2000-2001 academic year. The data is obtained through a questionnaire. This is a descriptive study.

77,6 % of Gülhane Military Medical School graduates and 77,8 % of doctors graduates from other medical faculties stated that their knowledge of forensic medicine is inadequate. 74 % of Gülhane Military Medical School graduates and 55,6 % of military doctors graduates from different medical faculties have acknowledged the quality of education inadequate concerning forensic medicine.

It seems a strong necessity to provide an ongoing education to doctor's serving in emergency department about malpractice and holding a judicial report which is a part of routine in forensic medicine, for maintaining both patient’s and doctor’s rights.