The Investigation of Neuroprotective Effects of Aminoguanidin and N-Acetylcystein administration alone and combination in Spinal Cord Trauma model
Original Article
P: 91-97
June 2015

The Investigation of Neuroprotective Effects of Aminoguanidin and N-Acetylcystein administration alone and combination in Spinal Cord Trauma model

Gulhane Med J 2015;57(2):91-97
1. Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi AD
2. Akay Hastanesi ANKARA
3. TOBB Hastanesi ANKARA
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 02.04.2015
Accepted Date: 03.06.2015
Publish Date: 30.06.2015


In this study the neuroprotective efficacy of N-Acetylcystein and Aminoguanidin administered after spinal cord injury was examined regarding clinical and laboratory outcome. Rats were divided into 5 groups: Control group, trauma group, Aminoguanidin group, N-Acetylcystein group, and Aminoguanidin+NAcetylcystein group. Total laminectomy of thoracal 9th or 10th vertebrae was performed on all rats. Spinal trauma was formed by weight drop model for all groups except the control group. 1 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution was administered twice daily to control group. 100 mg/kg Aminoguanidin and N-Acetlysistein was given twice daily for 5 days to own group, Both drugs were administered to Aminoguanidin+N-Acetylcystein group in the same dose. Neurological examination results were graded according to Tarlov’s chart and all the rats were clinically assesed by Rivlin and Tator’s inclined plane degrees. Traumatized spinal cord segments were obtained. Malondialdehyte, superoxide dismutase, glutathion peroxidase activity of these tissue specimens were measured. Results revealed an increase in the inclined plane degrees and neurological examination grading along with statistically significant decrease in Malondialdehyte level, superoxide dismutase and glutathion peroxidase activities in Aminoguanidin, N-Acetylcystein and Aminoguanidin+N-Acetylcystein groups as compared to control group. We propose, Aminoguanidin and N-Acetylcystein can show neuroprotection when used in combination or alone but there is no additive effect of combined use.