The effect of herbal products on chronic renal failure
P: 189-193
September 2006

The effect of herbal products on chronic renal failure

Gulhane Med J 2006;48(3):189-193
1. GATA Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 13.03.2006
Accepted Date: 17.04.2006


A number of medications as well as herbal products may be used by chronic renal failure patients in treating some symptoms, such as hypertension, insomnia or muscle cramps. Chronic renal failure patients may believe that herbal products are "natural" remedies. However, data demonstrating the effectiveness and safety of these substances in renal patients are lacking or only minimal. Because of the potential side effects of many products, their use in the treatment of chronic renal failure cannot be recommended. Use of herbal products may be especially hazardous in dialysis patients because of unpredictable effects on blood pressure, blood glucose, coagulation parameters, and electrolyte disturbances. For this reason, detailed data should be collected from patients, and patients should be questioned about herbal products use and educated by health team. Nurses' establishing and maintaining a relationship of trust with patients and their nonjudgmental attitude will prevent the occurence of negative outcomes. This article reviews evidence regarding the effect of herbal products on chronic renal failure. Moreover, recommendations for health care professionals are listed.