The analysis of relationship between organizational justice perception and organizational commitment of military physicians
Original Article
P: 9-16
March 2011

The analysis of relationship between organizational justice perception and organizational commitment of military physicians

Gulhane Med J 2011;53(1):9-16
1. GATF Dekanlığı ve Eğitim Hastanesi Baştabipliği
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 17.09.2010
Accepted Date: 27.10.2010


From the organizational point of view, the justice perception of employees is an important issue. The employees can react in a way that causes critical results and quit their job when they loose their commitment to the organization due to their justice perception. The results of these reactions can cause more critical problems for the healthcare organizations. In this study, the evaluation of the organizational justice perception of military physicians was made with the “Organizational Justice Measurement” including 17 statements. “Organizational Commitment Questionnaire” including 23 statements was used to measure the military physicians’ organizational commitment. A total of 900 physicians who were working in 39 military hospitals of Turkish Health Commandership from different regions of Turkey formed the universe of the study. Quantitative research and survey method was used in this study. The highest relationship (r=0.54) was found between procedural justice dimension and organizational commitment dimensions of emotional commitment and normative commitment while a relation of r=0.43 was found among continuity commitment and distributive commitment.