Relationship of umbilical cord coiling index with cord length, nuchal cord and fetal weigth
Original Article
P: 123-125
June 2016

Relationship of umbilical cord coiling index with cord length, nuchal cord and fetal weigth

Gulhane Med J 2016;58(2):123-125
1. Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Ankara / Türkiye
2. Gölcük Asker Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Servisi Gölcük / Kocaeli / Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 15.07.2014
Accepted Date: 29.11.2014
Publish Date: 10.06.2016


The umbilical cord is an important structure for the fetus at the intrauterine period. The cord can be affected by compressions, anatomic form (coil form), traction and torsion which may have a negative impact on perinatal outcome. In this study, the umbilical coiling index (UCI) and complete coils per centimeter length were calculated. UCI’s possible correlations between total cord length, the presence of nuchal cord and fetal birth weight were analyzed. Umbilical cords of 95 patients were studied in the study design. The patients were divided into three subgroups, which were named as less, normal and excess according complete coils per centimeter length. There were significant correlations between the UCI and the presence of nuchal cord, and no significant correlations between the total cord length and the fetal birth weight, were observed. Today, there are not enough scientific datas and researches about umbilical cord helix structure and its’ impact on the fetomaternal outcomes. This study should be done in larger series.