Psychometric evaluation of a Turkısh version of the e-health literacy scale (e-heals) in adolescent
Original Article
P: 378-384
December 2015

Psychometric evaluation of a Turkısh version of the e-health literacy scale (e-heals) in adolescent

Gulhane Med J 2015;57(4):378-384
1. Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği B.D.
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 17.04.2014
Accepted Date: 31.07.2014
Publish Date: 30.12.2016


The young people who are closely associated with the internet are an ideal group for the testing e health literacy measurement. The purpose of this study is to make validity and reliability of the turkısh form of e health literacy scale analysis.e- Health literacy scale was developed by Norman and Skinner ın 2006. This study is a methodologic research which is carried out between January and February 2014. This study was carried out with 100 students who are between the ages of 14-21. Data collectıon form ıncludes the guestıons about the students’ socio-demographıc characterıstıcs, e health literacy scale and Lıkert type attitude scale about the usıng of ınternet ın adolescents. The linguistic equıvalence of e health literacy scale was examıned. In thıs study the Kaıser-Meyer-Orkın (KMO) coeffıcient was 0,75 and Bartlett sphericity test was 204,5 and p<.001. The correlatıon coefıccıent (0,39; p<0,001) was determıned. Cronbach’s alpha, item-total correlatıon and test- retest reliability coefficient were determined for reliability study. In this study Cronbach alpha value (0,78) was found. Test-retest reliability coefficient (0,87) was found. The scale of item-total correlatıons ranged between 0,43 and 0,57. Only one matter is 0,24. This study showed that e- Health literacy scale in turkısh form is valid and reliable.

adolescent, e- Health literacy, reliability and validity