Psychiatric problems associated with the physical rehabilitation of the combat related traumatic amputations
P: 332-341
December 2013

Psychiatric problems associated with the physical rehabilitation of the combat related traumatic amputations

Gulhane Med J 2013;55(4):332-341
1. Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi - Tıp Fakültesi Askeri Psikiyatri Bilim Dalı
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Received Date: 29.07.2013
Accepted Date: 03.12.2013
Publish Date: 30.12.2013


In today’s conditions, amputations due to armed conflict have been doubled when compared to previous years. The main reason is the development of explosive technology and the increase at explosive use frequency. Treatment and rehabilitation stages becomes a more complicated process because of the addition of the psychiatric illnesses to the serious physical health problems which are accompanying the traumatic amputations. The presence of psychiatric disorders can lead to worsening of comorbid physical health problems or new health problems. On the other hand, smoking and alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, obesity and cardiovascular problems which are often accompanying the psychiatric symptoms, may adversely affect the treatment and rehabilitation process of amputated limb. For this reason, there is a need for the development of multidisciplinary, holistic monitoring and treatment protocols in the rehabilitation process of traumatic amputee soldiers whose number is gradually increasing. In this review, we aimed to present proposals about psychiatric management principles and solutions for early recognizing and treatment of psychiatric disorders that may occur in the process of physical rehabilitation of traumatic amputee soldiers.

Keywords: Traumatic amputation, explosives, wounded soldiers, post traumatic stress disorder, rehabilitation.


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