We aimed to investigate the relationships between maternal- neonatal parameters and morphometric characteristics of human placenta. We performed this study on 259 human placentas. We observed that 257 placentas were single and two (0.8%) were twin. Number of cotyledon was 16±2.22. The length of umbilical cord was 57.13±9.08 cm. The cord coiling was 0.18±0.1 per cm. Two out of 259 (0.8%) placentas had knotted umbilical cords. In most of the cases, there were two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein. In two cases (0.8%), the artery was single. Diameters of umbilical artery and umbilical vein were 2.48±0.38 mm and 2.97±0.49 mm, respectively. We compared the number of cotyledon and hypercoiling of the cord. The differences between them were statistically significant. In addition, there were significant correlations between hypercoiling of the cord, and abortion and APGAR scores.