Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
P: 0-0
September 2023

Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Gulhane Med J 2023;65(3):0-0
No information available.
No information available

Message from the Editor-in-Chief,

The latest announcement has shown a reduction in the impact factor of most journals in the field of medicine. During the pandemic, an enormous increase in published articles on COVID-19 and citations has resulted in a rapid increase in the impact factor of journals. It appears the picture will stabilize in the coming ratings.

GMJ, on the other side, has been increasing its rating through a growing number of citations from all over the world.

The number of submissions on COVID-19 to GMJ is decreasing, as with other journals. We, of course, are still motivated to increase the value of research reports on COVID-19 in GMJ.

In the third issue of GMJ, we have selected highly interesting articles and case reports. As the journal’s publishing team, we try to keep covering a wide range of articles from different disciplines.

With this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to all submitting authors, reviewers, and editors for their contributions.

M. Ali Gülçelik, M.D., Prof.