Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
P: 0-0
June 2023

Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Gulhane Med J 2023;65(2):0-0
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief,

Thanks to all the dedicated reviewers, we have launched the second issue of 2023.

Journal publication is a core professional competency for new career-seeking researchers. Nevertheless, apart from local courseworks and self-deployed algorithms from experts with long experience in medicine, systematic training options in paper publication are not typically offered in graduate programs. The GMJ team has long been in an effort to support authors in finding the correct way of submitting a paper properly, to ease the reviewing period. The increase in the number of papers from young, training, or post-training authors is even more encouraging in this context.

In the current issue of the GMJ, we have interesting original articles, review articles and case reports. As the journal’s publishing team, we tried to cover a wide range of articles from different disciplines.

I believe that all the papers published in this issue will have a great influence on diverse research disciplines in medicine.

I would like to thank all submitting authors, reviewers, and editors for their contributions.
