Message from the Editor-in-Chief,
While the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of new variants follow a lower pressure during this summer, the world has been dealing with growing concerns about food and energy shortage in the richest global regions.
Its potential public health consequences are predictable in the long term.
Concerning COVID-19, yet there is no cure, and much has been learned about the transmission and potential prevention measures. Ongoing research has shown that the pandemic has been a continuous threat, even greater than what has been predicted, to the biological and mental health of the populations.
A significant proportion of our readers and authors have been involved in the fight against COVID-19. We understand from the increasing number of COVID-19 submissions that they have also kept their research works active, taking directions to pandemic-related variables and outcomes.
In the third issue of GMJ in 2022, we have selected highly interesting original articles, reviews, and case reports. As the journal’s publishing team, we try to keep covering a wide range of articles from different disciplines.
We thank all contributors to GMJ.
M. Ali Gülçelik, M.D., Prof.