Investigation of the frequency of testicular self examination performance in young adult males
Original Article
P: 17-25
March 2011

Investigation of the frequency of testicular self examination performance in young adult males

Gulhane Med J 2011;53(1):17-25
1. Department of Plan and Programming, Commandership of Health, Turkish Military Forces
2. Department of Public Health, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty
3. Department of Urology, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 15.07.2010
Accepted Date: 01.11.2010


Testicular tumors are the second most frequently observed malignancy after leukemia in the age group of 20-35 in men. The rate of a 5-year survey is 99.9% with early diagnosis. Awareness of the individuals and performing a testicular self examination by themselves are important in the early diagnosis. Our aim in this cross-sectional study was to determine the performance frequency of testicular self examination and the factors affecting this among young adults. Of all the participants, 23.3%, 6.8% and 4.7% declared that they had heard about testicular cancer and about testicular self examination, and that they had performed testicular self examination at least once in their life, respectively. The rates of hearing about and performing testicular self examination were found low in the present study, however these rates were higher among those who had heard of testicular cancer from population. Well planned campaigns and educational organizations may be conducted in the country-wide in order to increase the awareness about testicular cancer and the frequency of testicular self examination.