Evaluation of samples of water, toilet faucets and door handles in a primary school
P: 70-74
June 2006

Evaluation of samples of water, toilet faucets and door handles in a primary school

Gulhane Med J 2006;48(2):70-74
1. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Halk Sağlığı AD
2. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
3. GATA Halk Sağlığı AD
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 24.10.2005
Accepted Date: 16.02.2006


The research was conducted to evaluate the microbiological analysis of samples taken from the toilet faucets, some of the lavatory faucets, door handles and the telephone receiver, chemical and microbiological analysis of water samples in a primary school in Ankara. The research is a descriptive situation determining study. Data were collected in April 2005. Water samples were collected in sterile, 200 cc bottles, filtrated with membrane filtration device and plated in Endo agar. Samples were taken using a swab, transported in tubes with Lauryl Sulfate Broth solution and plated in Tryptone Glucose Extract medium (TGE). Escherischia coli (E.coli) was isolated from all of the specimens except for two. There were more than 100 CFU/plaque in 26 samples. E.coli was isolated from 35.7% of toilet faucets, and 28.6% of lavatory faucets. In water samples no growth was seen. Chlorine was 0.05 ppm and cadmium (0.236 mg/lt) were over the reference value (<0.005 mg/lt). The lead concentration of water (0.01 mg/l) was on the limit level. Toilet and lavatory faucets, door handles have risks for infectious diseases. Especially in crowded places like schools, students should have the oppurtunity to reach safe and clean water and sanitation. Preventive measures should be taken to provide microbiologically and chemically safe water in schools.