The main objective of a successful endodontic therapy is the hermetic obturation of the root canal system till the apical constriction. In order to accomplish this, a good knowledge of the morphology of the root canals is essential. Root canals may show a number of discrepancies due to many factors, one of which is ethnical. Factors like different types of root canals, transverse anasthomosis, lateral canals, locations of the apical delta and the apical foramen have major influences on the final outcome of endodontic therapy.
In our study, recently extracted 700 mandibular and 700 maxillary, a total of 1400 permanent teeth were used. Firstly, the teeth were divided into two groups as mandibular and maxillary, then each group was divided into seven groups as central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first premolars, second premolars, first molars and second molars. Following the classification root canal morphology of the teeth were evaluated.
The data obtained in this research, concerning the root canal configurations of the Turkish female population were differ from each other within the groups, but were consistent with the results of the other studies performed in different populations.