Evaluation of learning styles and strategies of paramedics students
Original Article
P: 112 - 120
June 2010

Evaluation of learning styles and strategies of paramedics students

Gulhane Med J 2010;52(2):112-120
1. GATA Sağlık Astsubay Meslek Yüksek Okulu
2. GATA Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 08.04.2010
Accepted Date: 28.04.2010


In this study it was aimed to examine the learning styles and strategies, characteristics that may be related with socio-demographics, and motivational status of paramedics students in a cross-sectional design. In the study 179 students were enrolled. ‘Learning styles Inventory’, ‘General Learning Strategies Evaluation Scale’, ‘Motivational Resources and Problems Scale’ and ‘Personal Information Inquiry’ were used for data collection. Students were more likely using assimilator and converger learning styles, and there were differences between the first and second grade students with respect to learning styles. It was detected that attention, metacognitive, elaboration, cognitive and memory strategies were used ‘rarely’, and affective and rehearsal strategies were used ‘occasionally’ by the students. Second grade students achieved much more points in using attention, elaboration, rehearsal and metacognitive strategies. It was detected that there was a significant relationship between studying plans and strategies, and frequencies of using elaboration strategy, memory strategy and attention strategy were higher in those with lower economic income, in students who red books more frequently and in those who graduated from vocational high schools, respectively. There were significant differences between vocational motivational levels and their subgroups, and the grade of class, type of high school, frequency of reading, study plan, number of siblings, and educational level of mother. As a result, it is suggested that students need to be noticed about their own learning strategies. The content of the lessons is suggested to be examined according to the compatibility of assimilator and converger learning styles of the students.

Paramedics, motivation, learning style, learning strategy