Evaluation of Different Dose HCG Treatments in Undescended Testis
P: 58-63
March 2003

Evaluation of Different Dose HCG Treatments in Undescended Testis

Gulhane Med J 2003;45(1):58-63
1. S.B. Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Kliniği
2. S.B. Ankara Numune Hastanesi, Aile Hekimliği
No information available.
No information available
Accepted Date: 03.03.2003


The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the activity of human chorionic gonodotropin (HCG) treatment with 500U/m2/dose and 1500U/m2/dose regimens for undescended testis cases at prepubertal children.

Seventy one prepubertal children aged between 7 months-13 years (mean 4,2) were included to study. Cases with retractile testis, chromosomal anomalities and ectopic testis were excluded. Cases were randomized to two groups; 34 cases received 500U/m2/dose whereas 37 cases received 1500U/m2/dose HCG treatment twice a week for totally five doses. Testosteron and free testosteron levels were obtained before and after HCG administration.

The response to treatment for 500U/m2/dose and 1500U/m2/dose were respectively 61.7% and 56.7% Sufficient testosteron response was obtained for both groups and no statistical difference was present (p>0.05). Success rates for bilateral and unilateral cases were 64.5% and 56% in order. High scrotal cases resulted with best responses. Orchiopexy was applied to unresponded cases.

When 500U/m2/dose and 1500U/m2/dose HCG regimens are compared for children with undescended testis, the best response was obtained in cases with high scrotal located testes, but there is no statistical difference for success rates (p>0.05) in the other groups.