Determining Managerial Leadership Style Of Physician Managers in A Training Hospital
P: 428-435
December 2002

Determining Managerial Leadership Style Of Physician Managers in A Training Hospital

Gulhane Med J 2002;44(4):428-435
1. GATA Sağ.Hiz.Ynt.BD.Doktora Öğrencisi
2. GATA Sağ.Hiz.Ynt.BD. Öğretim Üyesi
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 18.12.2002


This survey was carried out in order to determine ladership style of physician managers in a training hospital using the tool which was devised by 'Blake and Mouton'. The tool includes 7 leadership styles (goals, conflict with subordinates, situation of new trial, conflict with supervisors, decision making, communication, and feedback), which are very important for organization, and based on human characteristics. Besides, 10 independent variables were added to the questionnaire to determine socio-demographic characteristics of participants in this survey. Chisquare techniques were used in analyzing the data collected by the questionnaire. SPSS for Windows 10 used as statistical software in this survey. Leadership styles of managers were investigated, and it was found that they possesed these leadership styles as noted in fallowing: 34.3 % middle way, 23.1% work oriented, 23.1% team leader, 12.0 % city club, and 7.4% passive leader. The number of people who are in charge of the physician managers, number of units under him, his duration of work, and whether there is any significant relation between his age and leadership styles was tested. It has been suggested that training physician managers on organizational deve-lopment, motivation theories, management physociology, and leadership styles is beneficial in terms of management.