Determination of know ledgean dattitudes of pediatric nurses working in a training hospital about parenteral nutrition
Original Article
P: 5-12
March 2014

Determination of know ledgean dattitudes of pediatric nurses working in a training hospital about parenteral nutrition

Gulhane Med J 2014;56(1):5-12
1. GATA Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu;
2. GATA HalkSağlığı BD
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 25.11.2012
Accepted Date: 31.05.2013
Publish Date: 16.04.2014


Determination of know ledgean dattitudes of pediatric nurses working in a training hospital about parenteralnu tritiongTheaim of thisstudy was todeter minethe know ledgean dattitudes of pediatric nurses whowork in a training hospital about total parenteral nutrition. Thes tudy was carriedout at the Department of Pediatric Surgeryand Department of Pediatrics between May 05 andJune 01, 2012. The population of thes tudy was consisted of 33 volunteered pediatric nurses andall nurses werereached. A questionnaire developed by there searchers were used for datacollection.Öuestion nairesvverefilled in approximately 10-15 minutes byfacetofacemanner. Thesample wasconsisted of Pediatric surgerynurses (%30.3) and Pediatricnurses (%69.7).

Thescores of nurses’ know ledgewere minimum 48.75, maximum 81.25 andmedian 61.75.Nurses know ledgescoreswere 25-50 (6.1%), 50.1-60 (24.3%), 60.1-70 (60.6%) and 70.1-80 (6%). Thepercent of nurses thats coredover 80.1 was %3. When theeducation level was compared, it was found that there was a statistically signifi cant difference between graduateandun-dergradu atepediatric nurses’score İt is recommendedto plan in-servicetrainingfor ediatricnurses in ordertoen surethedesiredlevel of know ledgean skill sand parenteral nutritionpractices in a safemanner.