Definition of pharyngeal airway, tongue dimensions and hyoid position in healthy subjects
Original Article
P: 117-122
June 2013

Definition of pharyngeal airway, tongue dimensions and hyoid position in healthy subjects

Gulhane Med J 2013;55(2):117-122
1. Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Dişhekimliği Bilimleri Merkezi, Ortodonti A.D., Etlik Ankara,
2. Beytepe Asker Hastanesi Diş Servisi Şefi Beytepe, Ankara
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 26.06.2012
Accepted Date: 17.07.2012
Publish Date: 27.06.2013


The purposes of this study were to establish the normative data for the upper airway dimensions and tongue size; hyoid position and to evaluate the cervico-craniofacial skeletal morphology of the anatomical differences between sexes in healthy subjects. The upper airways of 50 male and 53 female healthy volunteers were retrospectively evaluated by lateral skull radiographs. Anatomical pharyngeal linear measurements and craniocervical postural relationships were analyzed. To set-up the reference values for cervico-craniofacial skeletal morphology of the healthy subjects, the craniovertical, craniocervical, cervicohorizontal postural relationships and the curvature of the cervical column were also analyzed. Cephalometric measurments of healthy male individuals showed statistically greater values in all sagittal pharyngeal structural dimensions when compared with healthy female subjects, with the exception of the craniocervical angulations related to head posture.