Comparison of hysteroscopic polypectomy with dilatation and curettage in the excision results of endometrial polyps
Original Article
P: 120-122
June 2016

Comparison of hysteroscopic polypectomy with dilatation and curettage in the excision results of endometrial polyps

Gulhane Med J 2016;58(2):120-122
1. Kadın Hst. ve Doğum AD. GATA Tıp Fakültesi ANKARA TÜRKİYE.
2. Kadın Hst. ve Doğum Servisi Etimesgut Asker Hastanesi ANKARA TÜRKİYE.
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 11.07.2014
Accepted Date: 29.11.2014
Publish Date: 10.06.2016



Endometrial polyp excision can be done with hysteroscopic polypectomy or dilation and curettage methods. In this study, We aimed to compare the groups who performed excision of polyp with dilatation and curettage procedure or hysteroscopic polypectomy after the 6-month recurrence and whether complaints continued after the procedure.

Materials and Methods:

One hundered twenty eight patients; pre-diagnosed endometriyal polyp with transvaginal ultrasonographic evaluation, salin infusion sonography imaging or hysteroscopy and abnormal uterine bleeding (menorrhagia, menometrorrhagia, menorrhagia) with complaints were evaluated retrospectively between the years of 2011 January-2014 April. Clinical data of the patients were reviewed. Patients were divided into two groups dilatation and curettage (Group1) and hysteroscopic polypectomy (group2). Patients were compared with recurrence frequency and whether complaints continued after 6 months the operation.


The study enrolled 128 patients. Of these, 62 patients performed dilatation (Group 1) and curettage and 66 patients were operated with hysteroscopy (Group 2). Group 1’s mean age were 34.5 ± 4.1 (min-max: 30-44), in group 2 were 35.6 ± 3.7 (min-max: 30-44) respectively. There was a statistically significant differences between group1 and group 2 in terms of the frequency of recurrence of polyps four or six month later the operation (27.4%,1.5%.) p:0.001


Hysteroscopic polypectomy seems to be superior in terms of endometrial polyp recurrence. Patients with unresolved complaints or recurrence of polyps after polyp resection may be incomplete surgery should be kept in mind.