Are MIB-1, Her2/neu or CD34 useful prognostic factors in stage II and III testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumors?
Original Article
P: 196-200
September 2008

Are MIB-1, Her2/neu or CD34 useful prognostic factors in stage II and III testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumors?

Gulhane Med J 2008;50(3):196-200
1. Department of Medical Oncology, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty
2. Department of Epidemiology, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty
3. Department of Pathology, Gulhane Military Medical Faculty
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 28.04.2008
Accepted Date: 10.10.2008


In this study we analyzed immunocytochemical expression of MIB-1, HER2/neu and CD34 in stage II and III testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumors to investigate if these factors may be useful in determining the prognosis of the disease. Orchiectomy specimens of 64 patients were studied for MIB-1, HER2/neu and CD34 immunostaining. In 47% and 30% of the cases MIB-1 immunostaining level was under the median value in patients with stage II and III disease, respectively. The intensity of immunostaining with CD34 was (+) in 31% of the cases, (++) in 40% of the cases and (+++) in 29% of the cases in stage II tumors. The intensity of CD34 immunostaining was (++) in 26% and (+++) in 73% of the patients with stage III tumors. None of the specimens were stained with HER2/neu. The intensity of CD34 and MIB-1 immunostaining increased with advancing stage. This study revealed that MIB-1, CD34 or HER2/neu immunostaining are not good prognostic factors to predict the survival in patients with stage II and III testicular non-seminomatous germ cell tumors.