Original Article

The use of and satisfaction with prosthesis and quality of life in patients with combat related lower limb amputation, experience of a tertiary referral amputee clinic in Turkey


  • Yasin Demir
  • N.Merve Örücü Atar
  • Ümüt Güzelküçük
  • Koray Aydemir
  • Evren Yaşar

Received Date: 30.07.2018 Accepted Date: 10.10.2018 Gulhane Med J 2019;61(1):6-10


The aim of current study was to evaluate the prosthesis use, level of satisfaction, reported problems and quality of life in patients with combat related lower limb amputation.


In this descriptive study, a total of 30 patients with 35 amputations were included. The survey collected data on basic demographics including age, time since amputation, gender, etiology, level and side of the amputation, daily prosthetic use frequency, daily total prosthetic wearing time, satisfaction with prosthesis, causes of dissatisfaction and any problems related to the amputation. Satisfaction with the prosthetic device was measured with a numeric scale (0 to 10).Quality of life was assessed with Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36).


The leading reasons for rejection or dissatisfaction with the lower limb prosthesis were excessive perspiration, itching and pain. The mean daily prosthesis wearing time was 11.4±3.8 hours. There was a negative correlation between daily prosthesis wearing time and cosmetic anxiety (r:-0.416) (p<0.05). The mean satisfaction level with prosthesis was 7±3.8 and itching, pain and wound were significantly correlated with satisfaction level (r:-0.491, -0.528 and -0.480, with respectively) (p<0.05). SF-36 scores were found to be lower for amputees when compared to those for the general population in Turkey.


Participants reported high levels of use and satisfaction with prosthesis, in spite of excessive perspiration, itching and pain. Future efforts should aim to improve prostheticdevice design and quality of life for patients with combat related lower limb amputation.

Keywords: amputation, prosthesis, quality of life.