Case Report

Schwannoma of the Tongue: A report of Two Cases and Review


  • Evren Erkul
  • Hakan Cıncık
  • Abtullah Haholu
  • Engin Çekin
  • Atila Güngör

Received Date: 05.08.2011 Accepted Date: 15.03.2012 Gulhane Med J 2013;55(2):135-140

The aim of this study is to present clinicopathologic characteristics of two cases with schwannoma of the tongue and to review the literature. Both cases with mass in tongue underwent surgery by intraoral approach and histopathologic diagnosis of both was schwannoma. English medical literature for articles reporting tongue schwannoma from year 1996 to 2010 was searched in Pubmed. 67 cases were found in English, 48 cases had full text document and 42 of them were providing specified criteria. The average age was 30.92. There was no significant difference regarding sex (24 male, 18 female). Masses were located at the tip of tongue in 9 cases, at the base in 10 cases, at the lateral side in 16 cases, at the ventral surface in 6 cases and at the sublingual surface in 1 case. Painless swelling and tenderness were the most significant symptoms. Intraoral approach was used for 38 cases, suprahyoid pharyngotomy approach was used for 2 cases, and other two were excised by submandibular approach. Total surgical excision is the treatment of choice and intraoral resection was the common approach for majority of tongue schwannomas.

Keywords: Schwannoma, tongue, lingual, neurilemmoma