Original Article

Tissue and serum prolidase activity in patients with nasal polyposis


  • Atila GÜNGÖR
  • Ömer ÖZCAN
  • Enver ÇEŞMECİ
  • Osman Metin İPÇİOĞLU

Received Date: 27.09.2014 Accepted Date: 03.11.2014 Gulhane Med J 2014;56(4):209-212

We aimed to elucidate the role of prolidase in NP pathogenesis by comparing serum and tissue prolidase activity (PA) in patients with and without NP. Patients with NP enrolled to the study group and widespread of NP evaluated using the scoring system of Lund-Mackay (LMS) according to the computer tomography records preoperatively. Patients without NP and who underwent inferior turbinate reduction operation were included to the control group in this study. All patients serum and tissue PA were analyzed. The levels of serum PA were significantly higher in the control group compared with the polyp group, whereas the levels of tissue PA were significantly higher in the polyp group than the controls. There was a significant negative correlation between serum PA and LMS. There was no significant correlation between tissue PA and serum PA, neither tissue PA and LMS in study group. We think that tissue and serum PA play an important role NP development.

Keywords: Nazal polipozis, Patogenez, Prolidaz enzimi, Prolidaz aktivitesi